The Four Qualities of the Evolved Man

When a man always keeps his promises, he proves his integrity. When a man always keeps calm when everyone else loses theirs, he proves his confidence. When he always senses when you need holding and he holds you, he proves his compassion. When he always listens until he understands, he proves his empathy. Integrity. Confidence. […]

For There to be Betrayal…

“For there to be BETRAYAL, there would have to have been TRUST, first.” Suzanne Collins, The Hunger Games   Darling Sisters, Over the past few weeks, many of you have responded to my posts with incredible stories of your struggles, your self-doubt, your fears, even your courage to change what did not serve you. I […]

The Truth of Your Intuition

“To go against the dominant thinking of your friend, or most of the people you see every day, is perhaps the most difficult act of heroism you can perform.” Theodore White Even though you may have been told otherwise, you alone, as WOMAN, hold within you the wisdom to know and choose the path that […]

If Given Enough Love, Can a Pig Become Prince?

“Do not give what is holy to dogs. Do not cast your precious pearls before any pig, for he may trample you under his feet, then turn and tear you into pieces.” Jesus In my journey learning to love me, one of my most valuable Aha! moments was when I realized that over millions of […]

Anything Less than Love is TRAUMA

Angry words. Terrifying threats. Vicious disrespect. But, no cuts, burns or bruises that would say to the world “LOOK!!! LOOK at what happens behind the closed doors of our home!!!”  Can it be abuse if they never put their hands on you? For years I remember wishing for the bruise, the swollen eye, the broken […]

Some Women are Lost in the Fire…

…Some are built from it.” Michelle K. Some Truth. Every one of us confronts the “fire.” Not once. Not twice. No. Crisis will recycle for as long as you live. And, each and every time you confront the crucible, you will face the choice of:Letting the flames consume you as you sigh..”I’m so tired. I’m so […]

Too Much of a Woman?

“Dear Woman, Sometimes you’ll just be too much Woman. Too smart. Too beautiful. Too much of something. That can make a man feel like less of a man, which will start you feeling like you need to be less of a woman. The biggest mistake you can make is to start removing jewels from your […]

The Biggest Coward..

“The biggest coward is a man who awakens a woman’s love with no intention of loving her.” Bob Marley I would add “the biggest liar,” for when a man tells a woman he loves her, she will open all of her heart, all of her body, and all of her secrets, all of her truth, […]

To the One Who Would Love Me…

Please know that I am fully WOMAN. I am fully aware. I know I am worthy of great and abiding love. As woman, you and I are engaged in foreplay every moment of the day. Beyond my conscious control, my sacred intuition takes note of the look in your eyes. The words you say. The tone […]

Leaving Love…

“It can be difficult to leave a long-term relationship, even when our inner-wisdom tells us it’s time to let go. At this point, we can choose to let go and endure the intense pain of leaving behind the familiar to make way for a new chapter in our life. Or, we can stay and suffer […]