“For there to be BETRAYAL,
there would have to have been TRUST, first.”
Suzanne Collins, The Hunger Games
Darling Sisters,
Over the past few weeks, many of you have responded to my posts with incredible stories of your struggles, your self-doubt, your fears, even your courage to change what did not serve you. I have been so moved by your stories. When I found this image of the woman rising from the flames, I was compelled to bring your courage forward. So, for you….
woman in red in flames xThe castle of your fairytale dreams smolders behind you. Even in your escape, your mind grips the truth that your heart has denied. He, your “prince,“ your “soul’s mate,” your “twin flame” … it is he who set the flames that consumed every promise he ever swore to keep.
Once upon a time, your love was pure, as love is meant to be. Before he betrayed your trust, he captured your heart with chivalry and courage, like a knight of old won his fair maiden, defending her to the death. Remember how your love was birthed with the same reverence? Remember when the softness of his voice gave you peace? Remember when you could see your future in his eyes? Remember when you planted your garden with his “seed,” knowing flowers would burst forth when tended with such love? How could you have dreamt the nightmare coming as you later watched your precious seedlings wither as his fury turned their pedals to ashes? Remember when, in one brief shining moment, your trust shattered?
As you lived beside him, whispers from his childhood fueled his rage of you. Rage fed from innocence lost. Rage fed from the rejection of his 1st love. “Mommy, please, please stay with me!” “Mommy, I’ll be good!” “Mommy, don’t leave me! Mommy!! Don’t leave me, again!”
Only a broken man’s soul remembers how he held no power to control her; to keep her near; to be safe; to not die. He grew to fear you because you alone could see through his wall to his darkness. He grew to hate you for the light you beamed. He lashed out against you with the ghost of mother rage. “I am the King of my castle. You will obey me. You will not reject me. You will not leave me.” He watched your pain grow desperate at his threats. He heard you plead for this day to never come.
Today, you understand why you could not breathe within those walls. It was he who crushed the fragrance from the garden. It was he who sucked the breath of life from your lungs. It was he who held in his hands your soul’s suffocation. With great intent, it was he who stopped love’s oxygen from flowing into this Kingdom you called “home.” You remember all of this now, in this moment, as castle embers smolder in your wake, and you unleash the fury of your feminine soul.
Boldly, before he could draw the bridge, as his pitiful threats pulsed in your brain, you escaped across the mote, through this lake of flames, to save yourself, to breathe again, to love yourself, again. In your shadow lay the ashes of your dying dreams. An inferno smolders at your feet. Flames lick at your hem. Yet, as you run boldly into your rebirth ~ wounded but wiser; scorched, yet safe and secure, your strength rises to meet you. Sudden. Unexpected. Breathtaking. Staying has been hell. Leaving has been hell. Yet, hidden in the hell of your escape, what is this strange wonder? Within the fire, you do not burn. Rushing through flames, you feel no pain. Escaping this inferno, your soul burns only with PASSION!
When have you ever known such grace? When has your freedom been more embraced? When has breath been more welcomed? When before have you set yourself free, and heard the Sisterhood sing your courage?
YOU are Worthy. Blessed be.
Chapter 19 “Little Boy Blue ~ The Vulnerability of Grownup Little Boys”
On Becoming NaughtABimbeaux ~ The Smart Woman’s Guide to Finding Her Prince Without Ever Kissing Another Frog
PS. Sister, when I promise that if you like my blogs, you’ll love my book …it’s because my posts give you only the first course to the banquet awaiting you inside those pages!if Read the reviews from other sisters, and even a few brothers, at
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