When a man always keeps his promises, he proves his integrity. When a man always keeps calm when everyone else loses theirs, he proves his confidence. When he always senses when you need holding and he holds you, he proves his compassion. When he always listens until he understands, he proves his empathy.

Integrity. Confidence. Compassion. Empathy. man protector x

The four qualities of the evolved man. Because you watch and wait to see if he proves these qualities always, he builds TRUST within you. Thus, he is Worthy of YOU.

Now, close your eyes and open your mind to imagine the depth of intimacy when your souls’ each surrender to the other. Got it?

This is why, sweet sister, when you settle for a lesser man, you know in your core you have sold out your soul.


YOU are Worthy. Blessed be.

Chapter 20 “ANAM CARA ~ Whatever Souls are Made Of, Yours and Mine are the Same”
On Becoming NaughtABimbeaux ~ The Smart Woman’s Guide to Finding Her Prince Without Ever Kissing Another Frog

PS. When I promise that if you like my blogs, you’ll love my book …it’s because my posts give you only the first course to the banquet awaiting you inside those pages!if Read the reviews from other sisters, or order the book at: http://amzn.to/1bePT0w

To read the “back story” of my own journey out of hell to find my way home, and how On Becoming NaughtABimbeax came to be, Click Here: https://theworthywoman.com/morgans-story-from-riches-to-rag…/
To view the video, “Morgan’s Story,” Click Here: https://youtu.be/PPF9xaVypPI