From Riches to Rags to Reality

These are the three childhood issues that defined my life:                                

riches rage bride pic xSo, without any sense of Wisdom, I waltzed into womanhood with the heart of a naive child. Without any sense of my Worth, I chose men who were unworthy of me. Eventually, I even married one. By the next morning, his wedding vows long forgotten, he gave me my first犀利士
glimmer of what is at stake when a woman chooses a man who does not love.

For the next thirteen years I cried, I pleased, I screamed, I begged, I bargained, I pleaded, I groveled, and I denied everything I am to love a man who had vowed love, but, in return, gave only lies, rejection, and rage. Within the walls of our house, he destroyed every dream I had of a happy home. When my heart and mind could take no more, I ended the marriage. I still had no idea WHO I was, but now I was free to find out, and college would be my first step. I was wrong.

It happened in the very hour I registered for classes. My precious first-born son took the dive that broke his neck, and his mother’s heart. Rather than the lecture hall, I learned my first lessons in a Neurological Intensive Care Unit, holding the paralyzed body of my once athletic, still dazzling son. He was desperately clinging to life, and to me. Was this not enough? 

The phone call from my banker found its way into the ICU. Knowing what I was facing with my son’s catastrophic injury, he had waited as long as he could to tell me what I had to know. While gazing down upon my son as he slept hooked up to monitors and tubes to keep him alive, I listened as this man said the words to this day I still can’t quite believe. The father of my children had pilfered their birthright. While he was at it, he also illegally escaped alimony and child support by buying off my divorce attorney. Morgan, the millionaire’s daughter, had married a conman in sheep’s clothing, and I was now slapped awake in a very grownup nightmare.

bio blog woman pink balloon mirror juli_snowwhiteWhile my son clung to life, I was drowning in disbelief.  On the threshold of his manhood, he had lost his dreams of professional sports, or fathering children, as he now faced life as a quadriplegic. Soon, the bills for his care were piling up as creditors called demanding payment, while insurance and my savings disappeared. With no income, friends were bringing us bags of groceries, home-made casseroles and cookies. I tried my best to function as “mommy” while in a state of shock. I felt helpless to choose my next step when everything I knew to be true crashed at my feet. I felt hopeless we would ever truly live or laugh again. I had been raised to be naive. I was not prepared for so many responsibilities. I was not strong enough to carry such overwhelming sorrow. I did not understand such out-of-control chaos! I desperately needed the world to stop. I desperately needed to catch my breath. I longed to reset the clock and pretend that all was well ~ that my son was well and whole again. But this nightmare was real. Thirteen years before, I rushed into a marriage based on his promise that he would make my dreams come true. That dream turned into a never-ending nightmare. That one naive choice now ripped my soul apart in the aftermath of unimaginable betrayal. How could I imagine my first diagnosis of breast cancer was just a few months away?

Leaving behind nights of terror and fear, I rise.   Into a daybreak that’s wondrously clear, I rise. I rise. I rise.  Maya Angelou

Bankruptcy and breast cancer were to be my “rewards” for trusting my life to a sociopath. Yet, every time I looked into my sweet son’s eyes, I knew the luxury of giving up was not an option. In its place, and at the most hopeless point of my life, out of nowhere, I felt my COURAGE rise like a Phoenix from the flames. Yes, my naive choice had brought despair, but that despair now triggered my pivotal moment of AWAKENING. In the midst of utter hopelessness, and with an unfamiliar sense of clarity, I turned inward and found my POWER waiting.

I would not allow our future to be chained to my past choices. I would not allow the person who tried to destroy me to destroy me.

So began the journey that led me out of the night of despair and into the light. I have never looked back.

The day came when my brilliant, brave son was strong enough to return to school and begin his independent life. Still longing for my education, I sold everything I owned to pay for college. I chose Counseling Psychology as my major, and the Psychology of Intimacy as my research focus, for one day I wanted my knowledge diploma bio blog xto support soul-sisters who, like me, had been betrayed in the face of love. Earning that “M.S.” behind my name gave me the skills to inspire women to claim their own Power, Courage, and Wisdom. Yet, even more than my education, it has been my journey out of hell to find my way home that empowers the Sisterhood to know that no matter what they have been told, or how they were raised, or what they have endured, they, too, have the COURAGE WITHIN to create the life and love they long for.

Eventually,  my clients urged me to write On Becoming NaughtABimbeaux. For years I had collected quotes, women’s stories, and research into the psychology of intimacy in the hopes of doing just that. But, seven years ago, facing yet another cancer diagnosis, I set my everyday life aside to actually turn their stories, my research, and hundreds of scraps of paper into a book that would guide women, step by step, on their own journey from loneliness to love.

“Morgan, you have changed my life for the better. I left an abusive relationship and your book became my bible. I have changed. My relationships will forever be changed.”  Thank you. Shantal T.

Within the pages of my book, I offer you all I have learned to encourage your own journey to change your life. With every word, my intention is for you to clear the childhood messages that told you you are not worthy of love, so you can awaken the WISDOM of the Worthy Woman waiting within. The woman you have always been. As I had to learn, your new life begins with loving you. It is this LOVE that will open the doors to the life you long for.

riches rags intuition xWith all my heart, when you are ready to learn what you need to know to have the life and love worthy of you,  I am here to support you.

YOU are Worthy. Blessed be.

To  watch the “Morgan Story” interview, link here:

“Morgan , Thank you for being so incredibly honest and transparent and giving a voice to so many who find your words of truth and courage to be life lines in their own lives. I know now that there is something more, something real, something worthy of living and loving for.” J.J.

“Dear Morgan, Words simply can’t express the gratitude many feel regarding your book and Fb posts! They speak to the hearts, souls and lives of many women (and men) who have lived similar stories and experiences. Your shared wisdom is a salve to the broken hearts on the mend. You are an inspiration and mentor who gives strength, motivation and wisdom to many. With many, many thanks for your sharing of your story and the writing of your book.” S.G.

“I bought this book and finished it in 2 days.. It’s masterfully written and very informative. I’ve been single 12 years and have kissed a lot of frogs. This book helps to give you insight and the keys to be strong and self aware.” Lacie F.

“Dear Morgan, Thank you for rising! Thank you for sharing your story! Thank you for using your gifts to educate and empower me, my daughters and sons! Your book is the most dynamic I’ve read. You help me see how abnormal my normal has been.”  W.W.