woman sorrow wings stairs rose xPlease be very careful when the call of love beckons, for such “love” can be too easily spoken and promised. When love is offered too soon, it has only the worth of whispers on the wind.

Yes, you thought, at long last, you were safe in the arms of love. You believed that this one was THE one. Now, you find that what you thought was “forever” can quickly become “forgotten.” When such love fails, you need time to heal what is broken and bleeding inside your heart. So, cry your tears. Grieve your pain. Let the loneliness sink in. Own your brokenness. Your tears, your pain, your loneliness, your brokenness are the gifts you have earned. Yes, gifts to reopen; gifts to remember the next time “love” whispers its promises of forever, too soon.

True love takes time, for how else can you prove its worth? To become sacred, love must first become the roots and wings of your lives. Only then, in the intimacy of soul surrender, will you understand that to truly love is to walk, hand in hand, soul to soul, on Holy Ground.

YOU are Worthy. Blessed be.

Chapter 2 “What Am I Pretending Not to Know?”
On Becoming NaughtABimbeaux ~ The Smart Woman’s Guide to Finding Her Prince Without Ever Kissing Another Frog

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