“Caring for your inner child has a powerful and surprisingly quick result. You heal yourself.”

As little girls, so many of us lived in our loneliness. How else could a child feel if, rather inner child woman pensive xthan speaking, you were to be silent. Rather than being playful, you were to be compliant. To wait. To put other first. To put yourself last. To not be seen. To not be heard. To be told what to think. To not cry. To mistrust what you felt. To not be important to yourself. To not be enough. To not tell.

As if somehow you were unworthy of being loved for who you were. As if somehow you had to earn love to be worthy of love. To be worthy of respect. A childhood of restrictions, betrayal and fear deeply affects how the brain’s emerging self-concept perceives itself and the world it is growing up in.

No wonder the early wounds within women bring an epidemic of self-doubt and self-loathing. No wonder so many of us remain stuck in our mediocre lives and “wanna be” loves. No wonder we are terrified of being alone. No wonder we risk all to not feel inadequate. To not feel unworthy. To not feel we deserve this denial of all we long for. To not feel, at all. Ever. All because of the paralyzing Power of Imprint on a little girl’s mind.

But, imagine silencing those voices of childhood. Imagine being authentically true to who you were born to be. To who you are. To know you are Perfect. To know you are Whole. To finally understand what it means to LOVE yourself. First. Last. and Always. Imagine knowing, deep in your core that YOU are WORTHY of all that your heart longs for. Please, just for a moment, close your eyes and imagine your child within inviting you to embrace pure and precious self-love. For yourself. For her. Imagine you are already the woman your child within longs for you to be.

Are you willing to accept her invitation? Are you willing to learn how to free yourself from those early damaging messages that still reek havoc in your unconscious mind? Are you willing to undo your family’s harsh need to change you? Are you willing to release your frantic, insane search for the validation of a “lover?” because you believe until you find him you will never be whole? Are you willing to abandon the fairytale that only he can miraculously end your loneliness?

For those who have taken the soul journey that unfolds in the early chapters of On Becoming NaughtABimbeaux, you have looked into the face of your “child within.” You have listened to her silenced voice. You trust the power of your voice now. You have cleared the toxic messages that sabotaged your search for authentic love. You have shifted your submission to the will and whim of others to the TRUTH of your own Sacred Intuition.

No longer do you feel the loneliness as the child who was forbidden to be real. The child who longed to be accepted just because she was. The child who simply wanted to be loved. The child who grew into the woman who clung to the lie that if you could just find “him” you would never feel lonely again.

Your journey had you look into the mirror, literally and figuratively. You saw your face. You saw your soul. There you discovered the sweetest truth. YOU have become your very best friend. YOU are your own Truest Best Love.

What you feared most as a child you now treasure as pure gold. Within this “World of You,” you both know peace. Your sacred space of solitude exists out of reach from the world’s harsh need to change you. Rather than your childhood terror of loneliness, you dwell in the luxury of loving your aloneness. Here, you and the child who was, as is still you, cannot be touched. In this hallowed place, you bring to the other what was denied. Caring. Protecting. Nurturing. Loving her. Loving you is your priority. Here, you both live and breathe in the peace you never thought would be yours. You and your child are all you need. At long last, you have found each other. At long last, each of you heals the other. Now, you are secure and whole. Now, at last, if you choose, you are ready to release into the Soul Surrender with the one Worthy of you.

Blessed be.

Chapter 12 “On a Clear Day, You Can See Who You Are”On Becoming NaughtABimbeaux ~ The Smart Woman’s Guide to Finding Her Prince Without Ever Kissing Another Frog
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